Tuesday 9 October 2012

TV: Person of Interest SE2 EP2

Person of Interest
Action, Drama, Mystery

This show is a little underrated I think. I love the idea and it's probably semi true somewhere... I bet there is something that monitors security cameras for suspicious activity, it's not really a far stretch is it? You remember how I said I'm not a major fan of cop shows... I might have to take that back. I'm only just realising how many of those shows I already watch. This is one of them. I started watching this one earlier this year after getting out of hospital and being on bed rest for weeks with no new shows... Now I have to keep watching.

Last season we left off with genius Harold Finch (Michael Emerson who you might recognise from Lost) being kidnapped by the equally genius and devious Root - played by the awesomeness that is Amy Acker (Angel, The Cabin In The Woods). Of course our mutual friend John Reece (Jim Caviezel) eventually rescues him with style but I doubt that's the last we will see of Root. She cannot resist the machine and Harold himself; attracted by the brains of it all.

I loved this episode; finding out about Root. It really had me going thinking she was Hannah when in fact she was Hannah's friend. It was Root who opened the account in Hannah's name, setting up her killer to be murdered. It was Root who kept sending the librarian copies of the book that Hannah had last borrowed as a kind of torture for not believing her about Hanna's killer. I like that Root called Reece afterwards and thanked him for finding her friend.

We know from the first episode of this season that Finch set The Machine up so that it wouldn't pick him up as being in danger... so Reece convincing it to hand out Hannah's number in some round about way of telling him where Finch is... I wonder how that works? Some loophole...

A nice time filler!

3 out of 5 giant computers...

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